کشور عضو
Specifically, whilst the Taricco case excluded the rules on the limitation of offences from the scope of Article 49 of the Nice Charter, it "did not assert that the Member States must disregard any of their own rules and constitutional traditions that prove to be more beneficial for the accused compared to Article 49 of the Nice Charter and Article 7 ECHR".
and dissuasive penalties in a significant number of cases of serious fraud affecting the financial interests of the European Union, or provides for longer limitation periods in respect of cases of fraud affecting the financial interests of the Member State concerned than in respect of those affecting the financial interests of the European Union.
- It is therefore necessary to establish as a preliminary matter whether Article 325 TFEU should actually be applied in the manner indicated by the referring courts or whether it is also open to any other interpretation, even if in part different, that is capable of precluding any conflict with the principle of legality in criminal matters laid down by Article 25(2) of the Italian Constitution, along with the similar principles contained in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, proclaimed in Nice on 7 December 2000 and, in an adapted version, on 12 December 2007 in Strasbourg, and within the shared constitutional traditions of the Member States.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران